Cross Roads Map
Neighborhood map according to the city
Howdy everyone! We are working on a lot of exciting things for the neighborhood.
Couple updates:
First, the neighborhood association is now listed on the city website, and the area we represent is a little larger than what we originally anticipated, but that gives us lots of opportunities for outreach! Secondly, our meetings are the second Tuesday of every month at Cross Roads UMC Fellowship hall (if it's cold/wet outside) or the Alchemy Theatre meeting gardens (the tables behind the theatre, if it's nice). We have had pretty decent turnout so far but we can do a lot better!
Third, we need to do some outreach to our neighbors now that we have the official area and let them know what we are up to. This page is a great place to start. If you have any neighbors on facebook that aren't in this group, please be sure to send them an invite and let them know what all we have going on. I'm also working on designing a flyer we can print and put on our neighbor's doors. I'm sure they will be excited to hear about the work we are doing to make our neighborhood more attractive, safe, desirable and accessible.
We are planning a Spring Picnic that will most likely be a weekend (probably Saturday) in early June. Alchemy Theatre has expressed interest in getting involved somehow and is allowing us to use their outdoor areas for the event. Furthermore, Mayoral Candidates Jennifer Wheeler and Patrick Farrell have shown interest in coming to speak at our monthly meetings, and we will get them scheduled. Public Works Director Mark Bates is also booked to speak for us in March. This will be a great opportunity to get the goals, concerns, and celebrations from our neighborhood out to influential folks in city government.
Thanks for all the work yall have done to get us here! We have a lot more to do but we are well on our way to getting our neighborhood connected to and recognized by our larger city organizations and fellow residents.
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