Jack Daniels
Howdy everyone! We are working on a lot of exciting things for the neighborhood.
Couple updates:
First, the neighborhood association is now listed on the city website, and the area we represent is a little larger than what we originally anticipated, but that gives us lots of opportunities for o...
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Jack Daniels
Happy to announce our guest speaker for our February 13 meeting, Mayoral candidate for the city of Huntington, Jennifer Wheeler! I'm excited to hear their plans for addressing concerns in our community!
For more information, check out https://withwheelerwewin.com/
See you there!
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Jack Daniels
We are currently planning our spring picnic!
It looks like we are shooting for June 8, and are looking to cooperate with Alchemy Theatre for some events or activities!
It's still early in planning phase, but we are going to get it done!
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Jack Daniels
The City of Huntington sidewalk replacement program has to be engaged by individual homeowners.
They cover the cost (we will work on this together) and the city provides the labor. According to Mark Bates (director of public works), we need to get residents signed up on the program, and the city will provide the labor and procure the material if we provide the funding. We are also working on a micro-grant from the Neighborhood Institute of Huntington to see this through.
Your participation is vital!
The Cross Roads Community Neighborhood Association meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at Cross Roads United Methodist Church or Alchemy Theatre Meeting Gardens depending on weather
Membership is $10 per household per year
Contact Us:
Cross Roads Neighborhood Group on Facebook
Association President Jack Daniels
Email: jack@lassogames.com
Text/SMS/Call: (304-942-5725)
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